Microsoft Tests new smartphone with Asian supplier


US based computer software manufacturer Microsoft, is working with component suppliers in Asia to test its own smartphone design. According to some sources,  the company is increasingly adopting a variation of a business model favored by its rival Apple. Inc.

Apple designs computers and phones along with the software which powers them. Officials from Microsoft, on the condition of anonymity said that the company is testing a smartphone design, but it is not sure if the company will take the design into mass production.

Another source has said that the screen of the smartphone is currently being tested, it is said to measure between four to five inches. Apple’s latest iPhone 5 has a four inch screen, while Samsung’s Galaxy S III has a 4.8 inch screen. For months it has been speculated that Microsoft is planning its own smartphone device and in the month of June it unveiled plans for its homegrown computing device, the Surface tablet. The Surface tablet went on sale last week.

When asked about the new developments, the spokesperson of the company declined to comment. If the new Microsoft phone works out, then it would break the trend of Microsoft staying away from hardware manufacturing, as it has always left marketing and computer hardware decisions to its partners.