Device which converts Cassette content to iPad or iPhone


Gone are the days when VHS and Cassettes were popular among music lovers. Now, these devices have now become extinct like the dinosaurs. There will come a day when even CD’s will fade away. In recent times the highly compressed MP3 format is becoming the go-to choice for most people.

The change in formats means that for many people, that there are many old memories which are lying idle on shelves, in the form of cassettes. Now however there is a solution; Hammacher Schlemmer of New York has recently launched a novel device, which allows a user to transfer the content of audio cassettes onto an iPod or an iPhone as digital music.

The new Cassette to iPod converter looks very similar to the good old walkman cassette player. It has an iPod docking station in the front and a cassette player at the back. The device is packed with built-in content management software.

The device is not complicated, as the user has to just connect the chosen i-device and hit the play button on the cassette player. As the music plays it automatically gets recorded onto the iPod or the iPhone. The content is converted into the  MP3 format and stored on a hard disk.