Smartphones soon to have new emoji updates


In some good news for emoji enthusiasts, more emojis are on the way to be launched. Some of the popular requests like taco icon and cheese icon, popcorn, turkey and a champagne bottle are about to be introduced by the Unicode Consortium.

Snack foods are among the common icons that have been requested to the Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Consortium 8.0 update will contain all the new additions including sports symbols, religious symbols and some silly new emoji faces. The new update will also have a few skin colored emoji modifiers.

US based tech giant Apple had updated its operating system earlier in 2015 to reflect the new emoji modifiers. The new emoji is likely to appear on the devices of Apple, Microsoft and Google’s next update on their operating systems. The Unicode Consortium says that it considers a variety of factors in selecting the emoji to add its line up including the expected usage level, image distinctiveness and that how often it is requested.

Some of the popular emoji requests included cheese wedge, taco, bottle with a popping cork, hot dog, unicorn face, turkey and burrito. In faces the requests included money mouthed face, zipper mouth face, thinking face, nerd face, upside down face and a few zodiac signs.

Photo Credits: timeinc