Google Chrome usage falls below 20 percent


While Google Chrome usage falls below 20 percent, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer usage increases.

The dwindling usage of web browser Google Chrome may now start to become a bigger problem for Google. According to Net Marketshare, a web analytics website, Google Chrome’s usage has fallen below 20 percent. The report also states that Chrome’s competitors – Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox – all gained users in the last month.

The data provided by Net Marketshare is exclusively for desktop computers and does not account for any tablet or phone. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is the most used web browser with a usage percentage of 58.46, while Google Chrome, even after the dip, is the second most popular web browser with 19.61 percent usage.

Mozilla Firefox takes the third spot with 15.23 percent and Safari has a usage of 5.32 percent.

Usage percentages of the Web browsers in July 2014:

  • Internet Explorer – 58.01
  • Google Chrome – 20.37
  • Mozilla Firefox – 15.08
  • Safari – 5.16

Usage percentages of the Web browsers in August 2014:

  • Internet Explorer – 58.46
  • Google Chrome – 19.61
  • Mozilla Firefox – 15.23
  • Safari – 5.32

Among the three web browsers that gained, Internet Explorer came out as a clear winner with a spike of 0.45 percent. Safari followed with 0.16 percent and the least increase was of Mozilla Firefox with 0.15 percent.

However, there is one advantage that both, Safari and Internet Explorer had over Mozilla Firefox. Their parent companies – Apple and Microsoft respectively – produced Operating Systems of their own which had them as the default browser.

Google Chrome’s dip in usage could be due to the a bug, that was discovered recently, which drained the battery life of Windows PCs. Google has taken note of the issue and is currently working on a fix for it.

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