Facebook activates Safety Check tool during Paris attack


Social networking giant Facebook activated its Safety Check tool that helped the users to alert friends about their safety. The feature was activated for the first time after the Paris attack on November 14, 2015. A large number of users reported that they were benefitted from the feature.

The move also led to a widespread criticism online that the company was partial as it did not activate the feature in other locations that were recently hit in terror attacks. Facebook was also criticized for launching a photo filter which allowed the users to show support for people of Paris using the French Flag on their profile pictures.
Moreover, one of the users Hubert Southhall had offered to design the filters for the users saying that Facebook has to include all the affected nations. On the other hand Facebook, in terms of the controversy of activating the Safety Check feature in Paris said that it assures the users that the tool will be turned on more frequently in future during the human disasters.
Mark Zukerberg on his Facebook page wrote, “Many people have rightfully asked why we turned on Safety Check for Paris but not for bombings in Beirut and other places”. The feature asks the users believed to be in the location during an emergency if they are safe during such disasters.

Photo Credits: hewindowsclub