TV sets vulnerable to desktop and laptop computer viruses


Up until now, only computers have been vulnerable to different kinds of viruses. However, it has been discovered that even TV sets are vulnerable to malicious software which has affected desktop and laptop computers. One of the top technology security experts, Eugene Kaspersky has warned that the day when some of our favorite TV shows will be disrupted is approaching soon.

The alert has been issued by Kaspersky, who is the co-founder and chief executive of the Russia-based Kaspersky Lab, which is the fourth biggest computer antivirus group in the world. It has been reported that the company’s global research and development headquarters located in Moscow gets about 315,000 suspicious activity reports on a daily basis.

In 2013, the figure has doubled and there are reports that the virus might also affect users’ television sets. Kaspersky stated that these days, TV sets have become vulnerable due to their internet abilities for connectivity and this might make them vulnerable to the damage which malicious software has already caused to desktop, as well as laptop computers. The viruses have already started affecting mobile phones.

Kaspersky also said that there are several attacks in a year on Microsoft Windows while thousands of mobiles, mostly Android and many iOS devices are also affected. More engineers are coming up with solutions to develop new software for Android.

Photo Credits: Palmbeachgeek