Microsoft to reduce price of Xbox One in UK


US-based software giant Microsoft is all set to reduce the price of its popular Xbox One game console, just three months after its launch. At the moment, the next-gen console is priced at £429 in the UK market and is bundled with a game. After the upcoming price cut on Friday, February 28, 2014, the device will cost £399.

Xbox One

For now, the price cut will be applied only in the UK market. The new price of the Xbox One will follow in the footsteps of Sony’s PlayStation 4, which is more popular than Microsoft’s next-gen console. The PlayStation 4 can be bought without a game for £349. Harvey Eagle, the managing director of Xbox in the UK said, “The reason we’re doing this is that we’re committed to giving gamers the best value that we can”.

He went on to say that they have just entered the market and are going to last for many years to come. Eagle added that this is the best time to make adjustments of the price. Figures stated by experts have revealed that the PlayStation 4 is outselling the Xbox One by around two to one, with 5.3 million of Sony’s machines being sold across the globe.

The cheaper console will come with a copy of Titanfall, which is a major title and the US-based software giant expects it will help to improve sales.

Photo Credits: Attack of the fanboy