Habbo Hotel to allow users chat again


The members of Habbo Hotel will be able to once again chat as it works to help protect the members from sexual predators. The chat option on Habbo was stopped after reports that paedophiles were using the site to groom youngsters.

The owner of the social networking site Habbo, Sulake said that it was preparing for the ‘Great Unmute’ which would let the users share their positive experience of the virtual hotel. Sulake boss Lafotaine said that the media coverage was distracting it from securing the site.

The social networking site helps the members to get to control an avatar and a room which they can then customise to their tastes. Lafontine in a statement said, the muting of the chat on the site had led millions of users to stage silent vigils in Habbo Hotel rooms to express their support.

The loyal users with the help of the Great Unmute, will tell the Sulake which direction they wanted to see the site take. Help will be taken by the users to shape the forthcoming protection systems. Lafontine added that the Channel Four Investigation which led to the silence of Habbo, was like a wake up call for Sulake as well as the industry.