Facebook launches App Store for US members


Social networking site Facebook has launched its App Centre on June 8, 2012. The new App entre has been launched to make it easier for the members of the social network to find games as well as other programs.

The new App Centre has been rolled out for the US Facebook members and more than 600 apps are available which includes services like the Pinterest and popular games like Draw Something and Bejeweled. The social network will also recommend apps which will be based on ratings from people who use it.

Facebook said that the App entre is not yet available for the British members but should be available to everyone in the upcoming few weeks. The social network already has 900 million members and will soon sell its own apps through the new store. The technology analysts have said that the latest move by Facebook is a shrewd one and showcases the best apps based on the extensive social data, which allows the users to login using their Facebook details through Connect.

This move will also encourage the app makers to create new apps for the social network. The developers, who create paid- for apps solely for the social network, will have a 30 percent share of the price with Facebook.