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Details revealed about upcoming iPhone 5

US based computer manufacturer, Apple has said that it will soon be launching its new mobile operating system iOS. But the company has not yet spoken anything about the next generation...

iOS jailbreaker Comex laid off by Apple

Comex, who is a reputed Apple iOS jailbreaker has been let off by the software giant according to the hacker. Comex Tweeted that he was no longer with Apple as of...
BlackBerry Passport

BlackBerry is offering users $550 for switching from an iPhone

Once-market-leader-now-struggling company BlackBerry is having a hard time convincing users to buy the new handset from the company. The situation has become so bad now that BlackBerry is offering users in...

Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus features – Photos

What's new in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus? In a packed house at the Flint Center, Cupertino, Apple unveiled the latest edition of their flagship iPhone. The new iPhone comes...

Leap Wireless to offer pre-paid iPhone

American public telecommunications company Leap Wireless will begin selling Apple’s iPhone from next month. This will make it the first pre-paid carrier to offer the famous device in the US. Moreover, this...