Google to allow users to comment on search results

search results

Search engine giant Google might soon start to introduce public comments on its search results. The new feature was first found by 9to5Google during the APK tear down of the new Google App and has indicated that the feature might soon be introduced. One of the first features of the app might be the ability to comment on the live sports games.

The discovery was made by 9to5Google in the section of the app which was known as Your Contributions. When the users click on this section, it shows two panels; one for the reviews and one for the comments. The app has explained that the users will be able to add comments to the sports games on the search engine while the games are live. The Google Search Help Page has mentioned that if the feature gets a full rollout the users will be able to comment on the searches that have been made on Google. The users will also be able to read comments which are left by others.

The search engine has added that the comments will be public and will link the users to the About me page. The About me page was first introduced in 2015 which allowed the users to control what information is shown about them on the Google Services. The comments feature looks similar to that to the review section that Google had recently introduced to search. The users here are able to add movie reviews directly the Knowledge Panel section of the movie in Google Search Results. The audience reviews are shown at the bottom of the panel by Google after movie information and critical reviews.

The news of the new feature on Google has come after Google started to kill its social network Google Plus in October, 2018 after a massive data breach. At that time then search engine had said that shutting down Google Plus is due to its failure to meet the expectations of the consumers.

Photo Photo: Thenewsminute