Britons more concerned over battery issues in smartphones


A reports says that battery issue is one of the major issue for the Britons when they consider buying a smartphone. These days battery life of the smartphone has become one of the most important factors as everyone today needs to stay connected while on the go.

Most of the time it is found that smartphone batteries drain in just a few hours at optimal use. Meanwhile the best smartphone lasts not more than 10 to 12 hours and even is the handsets are used minimally then the battery lasts not more than 24 hours. For many people this is a major issue as they feel disappointed when they see draining batteries in just a few hours.

People in the United Kingdom seem to be most concerned about the battery issues. 90 percent of the smartphone users say that they desperately want the batteries to last longer. Battery life has now become the leading criterion while buying a new phone.

It is noticed that people get disappointed when they see their batteries draining in no time. Under such situations, the users reduce the brightness of the smartphone, turn off the Wi Fi and Bluetooth and even the GPS location services so that the smartphones will survive for a longer time.