Google to ship more testing units of Glass before launch


Search engine giant Google is all set to officially launch its wearable device Google Glass in 2014, but before that, the company is looking to triple the number of people who are currently testing it.

google glass

In a post on Google+ on Tuesday, October 29, 2013, the company said that in the next couple of weeks, all Glass Explorers or prototype testers will be allowed to invite three people to participate in the program. The testers will have to pay $1,500 for the computerized eyeglasses, but they will be allowed to join the original 8,000 testers of Google Glass.

The good news is that new testers will not have to travel to the base of Google in San Francisco or New York in order to get the device. The Glass will be shipped directly to testers. Google in a post wrote, “They’ll be able to buy Glass online and can have it shipped to their home, office, treehouse or igloo. We’re counting on you to get Glass to the people you think will make great Explorers. More Explorers means more feedback, and more feedback means better Glass.”

Moreover, another announcement was made by the search engine which said that all of its Explorers will not have to buy the new models of Glass when they begin to ship.

Photo Credits: Times Free Press