Spotify to launch branded apps from McDonalds and Reebok

634 Music streaming service Spotify is all set to launch a series of branded apps. The company is reportedly attempting to bring in bigger streams of revenue from new sources.

The branded apps will feature products and branded names in consideration of advertising dollars and some of the companies which are already being tapped include AT&T, Intel, Mc Donalds and Reebok.

So how does it work? Users can navigate to say the app, eg. Reebik, if they wish to get a really good workout playlist. Till now, the company has managed to secure a huge collection of users, but unfortunately it could not convert the impressive number in to revenue.

At present Spotify has three million paid subscribers who don’t seem to mind spending every month on extra features. At the same time, majority of the users do the same thing without paying anything. The new apps which have been termed as ‘branded’ will be a new way to engage with more users and it will help the company to bring in more money.

For the McDonalds app, it is unclear what its role would be in the world of branded apps. Roping people to get associated with the brand will be the ultimate aim for the marketers.