Google Play store to offer payment options abroad


Android users who use PayPal for various transactions will now have the option to purchase apps from the mobile store of Google. Starting from May 16, 2014, users in Canada, US, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Finland, the Netherlands, France, Italy and Spain will be able to use the online payment service in order to purchase apps from the Google mobile store.

The recent news came as a surprise that Google will welcome a competitor to the competing Wallet Payment service in the mobile marketplace. The new mobile payment option means that customers do not have to use their wallets and will have an easier time while making purchases from the Play store.

At the moment, PayPal cannot be used to purchase accessories and devices from the Play store, but only apps and other digital media. Moreover, developers in 13 new countries – including Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey – can sell their apps on Google Play. The smartphone market has become huge and more international and growth has been noticed from emerging countries, opposed to the US and Western Europe.

The search engine giant seems to be aware that it needs to keep up with the developments. The company said that about two thirds of the purchases happen outside of the US as the market has become more international.

Photo Credits: Instantestore