Amazon expands X-Ray feature for TV shows as well


The X-Ray feature on the Amazon Kindle allows users to obtain additional information about movies from the IMDb website and many users find the feature quite useful. This information was released in September 2012, but now TV shows will also benefit with updates from IMDb.

Amazon Kindle ereaders will also support the X-Ray feature and users will be able to learn more about the TV show they are watching by tapping on an episode. The information that will be provided includes quick facts, details about the actors and actresses and much more.

Initially, the service was launched for books and allowed information about the stories and characters to be made available for the users. According to the company, the new X-Ray service will allow users to experience something unique, which is not available with any other provider. Moreover, Amazon would like to make its hardware the centre of attention, as this is where their customer base is the strongest.

There has been some talk in media circles of the X-Ray technology coming to the Wii U device, but whether it will find its way to other platforms such as Android or iOS is still up for debate. With this new feature, Amazon is putting itself ahead of the competition, at least as far as online streaming is concerned.