New iPhone 5S coming in July 2013?


Apple iPhone aficionados will be looking forward to the release of the new versions of the hugely successful smartphone. According to media reports, the phone could be released in July 2013. The US-based technology company will allegedly be holding an event on Thursday June 20, 2013, which will be a precursor to the release of the iPhone 5S in July.

There has also been some news in tech circles regarding the release of a low-cost iPhone, which could make an appearance in Asian countries like India and China. The low-cost phone could possibly be launched in August 2013 and could be marketed as a pre-paid phone.

Most iPhones have been launched in the Summer months of June and July, however the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 did make an appearance in fall. It is possible that the new iPhone 5S could have substantial technical and software updates, as compared to its previous iteration. There is also talk of the possibility of an NFC chip being used in the device.

It is possible that the  iPhone 5S could have a better camera along with biometric security and a faster processor as well. With the competition in the smartphone market reaching saturation  levels, it looks like additional features such as biometric security could play an important role in distinguishing various devices.