Google Chrome to begin ad-blocking from February 2018


Search engine giant Google’s Chrome browser will begin blocking ads that do not comply with the new guidelines from February 15, 2018. Google has confirmed that the blocking of the ads will begin in a developer blog post. The search engine is a member of the Coalition for Better Ads, which was launched to improve the consumer’s experience in terms of online advertising and represents some of the biggest businesses including Facebook. The search engine wrote, “In line with the Coalition’s guidelines, Chrome will remove all ads from sites that have a ‘failing’ status in the Ad Experience Report for more than 30 days”.

So far the Coalition for Better Ads has identified ten types of ad nasties, six from the mobile and four from the desktop as per the Better Ads Standards Guidelines. Out of this, some of the practices have been there around almost as long as the web advertising including the flashing graphics and pop-ups. For instance the Coalition does not like one of the categories which is the poststitial ad with a countdown. It is an advertisement which is timed and restricts the users from viewing the content of the ad until the countdown has expired or the user has manually dismissed it.

However, it is not banned at the Better Ads Standards as long as the advertisements can be manually dismissed by the users. The autoplay video ads are not liked universally as it eats most of the mobile users data allowance. The Coalition issued an advisory note in September and had acknowledged that the final standards have not been agreed as it contains many ambiguities and “matters of interpretation of the Standards may arise.”

Google making an adblocker on Chrome was a news that came out earlier this year and was seen as a response to the Adblock Plus maker Acceptable Ads Committee

Photo Credits: Mashable