Socrative App Is A God-Sent For Students


The Socratic Method is supposed to be a form of high-intelligence discussion and debating between parties to come to a sensible conclusion on a particular topic. Students these days have no time for debate, and instead find themselves overshadowed by tons of homework to complete, and little knowledge to gain. But, thanks to technology, as a student, you may find your work is going to be done for you with a little use of algorithms and a good camera.

Enter the Socrative App and it is a god-sent for students, seriously. All you need to do is take a photograph of the question you seek an answer to, and using Artificial Intelligence, the app will get you the answers, with diagrams and explanations to make you understand the concept easily and then reproduce it yourself in the most simplest way possible. Created by Shreyans Bhansali, it helps students with their homework and gaining knowledge of concepts that would be otherwise difficult to understand, which would happen if your mind was wandering during class (and whose doesn’t?)

A great part about Socrative is that it uses very intuitive, graphic friendly methods for a student to study concepts. A question that has comprehensive answers, including images, diagrams, graphs and colorful explanations that help with locking down how you can then answer your questions and get homework done in epic time! It makes sense to create and app like this – there are many other student apps and websites that help students by doing their homework for them, while Socrative is more about learning through different mediums to then re-produce what you have learnt through your strength – visual, written or graphs. It empowers, more than enables.

There’s even a Socrative PRO available, and we can only hope for the best for the young app. One of the major issues that Socrative could face is keeping up with the curriculum. Since this is an app available world over, how will they be able to cater to international students, with a wide spectrum of subjects and learning levels. Also, what about languages and proper translations so they keep scientific information accurate?

You can try out the Socrative or Socrative PRO app and review it for yourself!