Chinese army banned from using smartphones


The armed forces in China has been banned from using the smartwatches or any other wearable devices. The gadgets have been banned over the fear of transmitting sensitive data. China’s leading military mouthpiece the Liberation Army Daily released a report that warned that the usage of smartwatches can pose a threat to the security the country’s 1.6 million strong people’s liberation Army.

Leaders in the army were warned of the security threat when one of the soldiers Nanjing, in eastern China was gifted a smartwatch by his girlfriend on his birthday. The soldier tried to take pictures of his comrades on the device after which a senior officer reported the incident to the higher authorities.

Report quoting the consultation of the Academy of Military Sciences said, “The moment a soldier puts on a device that can record high-definition audio and video, take photos, and process and transmit data, it’s very possible for him or her to be tracked or to reveal military secrets”. A news website has also stated that all the smart devices and wearable devices have been banned in the military.

The report added that some of the devices automatically connect with the cloud storage networks and are vulnerable to disclose personal information. On the other hand the wearable technology in particular has become a big hit with the Chinese consumers.

Photo Credits: wired