Yahoo acquires Blink mobile messaging app


Internet giant Yahoo is all set to acquire the popular mobile messaging app Blink. However, this does not mean that a Yahoo-branded version of Blink will become available anytime soon. It has been reported that Meh Labs – the company behind the app – is getting ready to discontinue Blink for Android and iOS devices, as it has been stated in the company’s blog post. 

Meanwhile, the US-based company did not announce its plans for Blink’s technology or its developers. In 2013, Yahoo acquired even more American tech companies, which resulted in 22 acquisitions. The companies included Summly, GoPollGo, Alike, Jybe and MileWise. All of these companies have shut down their applications after stating that the Internet giant bought them.

However, a few apps – like Astrid and Tumblr – continue to live on and the buying streak of Yahoo continues. Another app that features messages that get deleted automatically is Snapchat and Yahoo could have easily bought it. The company carries a much higher profile than Blink and it was faced with previous acquisition interests. Following the purchase of Blink, it is possible that Snapchat might even become a better commodity.

Meanwhile, other companies that have apps with similar features – such as Criptext and Wickr – might also become acquisition targets. However, not all of these apps are facing good days. Facebook has already removed its Poke app which was often described as a SnapChat competitor.

Photo Credits: Reuters