Whatsapp banned in Iran due to Mark Zuckerberg


Popular messaging app WhatsApp has been banned in the country of Iran. An Israeli newspaper reported that the application has been banned as it is owned by the Zionist entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg.

The report added that the country has decided to ban the app which was purchased by the social networking site Facebook for $19bn. The head of the country’s committee on Internet Crimes, Abdolsamad Khorramabadi said, “The reason for this is the assumption of WhatsApp by the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who is an American Zionist.” Zuckerberg had found the social networking site on 2004 and currently is the chief executive of the company.

Mark was raised as a Jewish by his family in New York but has identified himself as an aethist. The president of Iran, Hassan Rouhani later Tweeted that the government of the country was opposed to the filtering of the application. Many have opined that the conflicting statements have indicated the disputes within the country itself.

Since 2009, Twitter and Facebook have been banned in Iran. The social networks were banned when protests against the former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gained momentum. Moreover, the country also considers Whats App as a threat to the conservative establishment of the country. Recently, even WeChat was banned despite having no obvious connections to the Jews.

Photo Credits: npr