Google likely to be roped in new inquiry of FTC


Search engine giant Google is once again in trouble, as the rivals have prompted antitrust investigators at the Federal Trade Commission, which will examine the company’s business practices. The staff members have begun a preliminary look whether the search engine is abusing the market dominance in the online display advertising, like the banner ads on Web pages.


People already being contacted in connection with the inquiry said that the FTC has begun asking questions about the practices of the search engine. Special attention is on the issue that the company is bundling advertising services together in a way which prohibits the rivals from competing for the business of advertisers.

In December 2007, the FTC said that it will be constantly monitoring the practices of Google in that area. During that time, the commission found that the acquisition of DoubleClick, an online advertising company that specializes in display ads, was unlikely to substantially lessen the competition.

At that time, the FTC wrote that they want to be clear and that they will continue to watch these markets and if Google was to engage in any unlawful practices, the commission will act in a quick manner. On May 24, 2013, the FTC denied to comment on any new inquiry.