Android app for MediaFire announced


Online storage site MediaFire has announced its Android mobile app, which will allow users to easily use the various features from the cloud storage site. There is 50 GB of free storage space up for grabs along with the Android app. MediaFire already has an app for iOS users for both phones and desktops.

There are limits for users with free accounts though, as this is a time-based service. Users will receive notification before their files are deleted from the site (if account has been inactive for too long) and ads will be displayed as well. If users sign up for a relatively cheap USD 1.50 per month plan, there will be no ads and storage will last forever.

There are limitations to the Android app at present though. Content from the camera of the Android handset cannot be uploaded and batch uploading is not supported either. Moreover, only users with a monthly subscription can upload files up to 1 GB in size, while the remaining users are restricted to a 200 MB file size limit.

The MediaFire Android app can be downloaded from Google Play and is 6.8 MB in size. It is currently only available for Android handsets with OS versions 2.2 and above. Mostly the new app has received good reviews, but some users have complained of it not working smoothly after a while.