Rhapsody launches app for iPad users


Online music service store Rhapsody launched a streaming app for iPad and the iPad mini on December 17, 2012. The company said that the new app will be a visual treat and will deliver a stunning Rhapsody experience.

The launch of the new app is good news for iPad users, who can now finally listen to and stream music on Apple tablets. The company has also assured that the new app is designed with speed in mind and has also significantly improved playback speed.

The new app has been designed to emphasize the iPad’s display, which allows users to visually navigate a larger category of Rhapsody’s musical content. The app also supports downloads, so that users can listen to music when an internet connection is not available. Moreover, the player for the iPad and iPad Mini is ad-free for subscribers. With the help of the new app, subscribers can listen to any of the 16 million tracks which Rhapsody has in its database. Users can also access member-created playlists and libraries, as well as edit, create and sync music and playlists across any device where Rhapsody is available.

The new app will help draw more users to the concept of music streaming on hand-held devices like the iPad.