Short video sharing service Vine launched by Twitter


Social networking site Twitter has announced a new video sharing app called Vine on January 24, 2013, which will allow users to share small video clips with each other. The new mobile service will allow users to create looping videos that are 6 seconds or less and then Tweet them to the world.


The end result of a few videos made by the app was demonstrated on Twitters blog. The videos show different aspects of what one could achieve with the short video clips. They can be quite informative, with people making short stories out of each video.

The user-created videos can also be ‘liked’ and ‘shared’ on Facebook and videos can be found by searching on Twitter for certain subjects or hashtags. Vine is currently available on the iOS platform for the iPod Touch and the iPhone. Twitter is currently working on versions of the app for other platforms, which will be out soon.

Dom Hofmann, the co-founder of Vine has said that the idea behind the video app is to signify an abbreviation for something larger. He went on to say that the fact that the videos are quirky makes them special. Hofmann was also of the view that the short videos are like windows into the lives of people, their ideas and what goes into their daily lives.