Google acquires Quickoffice and Meebo


Search engine giant Google on June 5 said that it has acquired the mobile productivity firm, Quickoffice. The firm has been acquired by the search engine so as to make its Google Apps product suite more compatible with the various file formats.

The Quickoffice helps in providing word processing and other office tasks for the smartphones and tablets which include those running on Google’s Android operating system as well as the iOS based devices like the iPad and iPhone. Google’s engineering director Alan Warren, in a blog post said that the attraction of the suite was its “established track record of enabling seamless interoperability with popular file formats”.

Warren added that they will be working bringing their powerful technology in to their App product Suite. The engineering director also said that Quickforce has a strong base of users and that they look forward to support them while they work on even more seamless, intuitive and integrated experience.

In the month of March the mobile productivity company had made an enterprise push by releasing a new app called ProSelect HD, which let iPAd as well as Android tablet users access and edit Microsoft documents securely. On June 4, the social platform company Meebo also said that it was being acquired by Google.