‘Facebook color change’ app is a virus


Over 10,000 people have been affected by this virus that claims to change the color of Facebook profiles.

Over the last few days, an app by the name of ‘Facebook color change’ has been doing the rounds on Facebook, that claims to change the color of Facebook profiles. When users click on the app, they are directed to a malicious website which is where the app loads the malware onto the person’s computer/smartphone.

facebook color change app virus

Cheetah Mobile, a Chinese Internet company was the first one to uncover the scam. The said, in a blog post, “Cheetah Mobile researchers have found this issue to be happening due to a vulnerability that lives in Facebook’s app page itself, allowing hackers to implant viruses and malicious code into Facebook-based applications [which] directs users to phishing sites.”

The app has two ways of attacking victims –

  1. Watching tutorial video: When the user clicks on the app, it asks them to view a ‘tutorial video’ and when they agree to watch it,the app gains access to personal information of the person.
  2. Downloading a malicious application: If users do not view the tutorial video, the hackers have a plan B. For PC users, the site leads them to download a pornographic video player. On an Android device, it tells them that their phone is at risk and should download a ‘suggested’ app.

For those who have already been hit by this scam app, you must change your Facebook password immediately and remove the color changing app from your profile. For those who want to change their Facebook profile color, there is a way to do it. Google Chrome users can click here and download a free app that changes Facebook’s color. Be rest assured, this is a safe app to download.

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