Mxit messaging app from South Africa to target Indian users


South Africa’s Mxit is the newest messaging app which will be offering a cheaper substitute for SMS and an easier way to socialize. The market is slowly getting crowded, as an increasing number of messaging apps are being introduced on a regular basis and Mxit is the latest one to enter the messaging app market.


The company has decided to target users in India and thinks of it as a strategy to get new users. The application will work on almost any mobile phone, except on entry-level devices. Sam Rufus Nallaraj, the CEO of Mxit India said, “We are definitely aiming for the large middle segment which could be as large as 500 million users. So the app will first be promoted in smaller town of Andra Pradesh”.

The CEO went on to say that in order to cater to the segment, users of the app will also be able to send and receive messages in Hindi language. Nallaraj also assured that they will soon introduce support for at least ten Indian languages. Another interesting feature is that Mxit can leverage the power of the cloud to enable some smartphone-like features for users.

Students can use the app like a scientific calculator or a periodic table, as all computing can be done at the back-end and not on the device.

Photo Credits: FinancialExpress