Samsung Galaxy phone users offered iTunes syncing


The owners of the Galaxy mobile phone range are now being offered by Samsung a free app with the help of which the users can sync their iTunes with the devices. Anyone who buys the Galaxy handset will be offered the Easy Phone Sync App.

The app will be offered as an incentive to those who are tied to their Android handsets. The features of the app include, transfer to Tunes music , videos, photos, podcasts and text messages from an iPhone to another Android handset. But the app is only available on the Samsung handsets.

A Spokesperson from Samsung UK said, “We know that traditionally iPhone users have been reluctant to switch to an Android device because they couldn’t use iTunes to manage their content.” The spokesperson added that the users will now be able to enjoy their iTunes content on a Samsung Galaxy Phone.

Samsung is now trying hard to push its new Galaxy S III before the new iPhone hits the global market. The iPhone 5 is expected to be released in the month of October this year. Before the Galaxy S III went on sale on May 29, it became the fastest selling pre-order phone of the year.