Google unveils talking shoes


After Google Glass, search engine giant Google has now unveiled a pair of talking shoes. This is part of a new experiment by the internet company, which has been designed to highlight a new advertising platform known as the Art, Copy and Code.

In order to develop this product, the search engine company took a few pairs of Adidas Sneakers and fitted them with a small computer, a pressure sensor, a gyroscope, speaker, Bluetooth and an accelerometer. Google says that the shoe is capable of talking to the person wearing it can also relay information on the phone through Bluetooth, or through the speaker on the top of the tongue of the shoe.

The lead of the advertising arts team Aman Govil, said that the talking shoe is an experiment in how one can use connected objects to tell stories on the web. Govil further explained that if one puts what the show knows through an algorithmic logic engine, a translated copy can be created.

Once this information is taken from the shoe, a good copywriter would be able to give the device a personality so to speak, which could lead to some interesting situations. Google is now reaching into areas of technical development that other companies rarely decide to step foot in.